Ministry Teams

God calls us in many ways to help others. Some people find fulfilling ways to serve by participating on one of our Ministry Teams. Ministry teams typically meet once a month on the first Tuesday at 7 p.m. With our current restrictions on in-person events, ministry teams are now using email or Zoom to meet and plan. Interested in exploring a ministry team as a way to serve?  Join us!


Social Ministry

Directs outreach ministry programs which involve the larger faith community in order to provide support and serve needs within and outside of Advent.


  • Oversee all social ministry activities and missionary support for our congregation.
  • Examine specific needs within the church, community, synod, and world, and organize help from our congregation in meeting those needs.
  • Educate the congregation regarding social ministry issues.
  • Oversee programs which provide transportation, meals, and personal care to members.
  • Recommend and review requests for mission support or gifts of benevolence to social organizations and service projects.

The Welcome Team

Helps create awareness of Advent programs and opportunities to grow in Christian faith through community outreach and hospitality. Supports welcoming community events and handles promotions and publicity including advertising and our online presence through Facebook and the website. Assists with member/disciple classes and reaches out to inactive members.  (In other churches, these roles might be the responsibility of Evangelism, Publicity, or Contact teams.)


Plans and hosts many fun and fulfilling events and activities that bring our members together throughout the year. These include the church picnic, Lenten Soup Suppers, Sunday Coffee, Vacation Bible School, new member class refreshments, Women's Tea, progressive dinner, and special events. 

Worship & Music

Works with our pastor and minister of music in providing an enriching worship experience. Handles altar guild, worship supplies and resources, and trains and schedules worship assistants and ushers. 

Christian Education

Plans and implements Christian education opportunities for youth, adults, and the community. This includes Sunday Church School, Vacation Bible School, and other educational activities. Provides support to First Communion and Confirmation classes. 


Helps members deepen their faith and understand of how we as Christians can respond to God's grace by sharing our time, talents, and financial gifts with those in need. 

Property & Grounds

Maintains and improves the building and property. Handles improvements and repairs, and uses outside services as needed. Organizes and leads annual clean-up days and volunteer workdays. Oversees use of the facilities by members and outside groups. 


Oversees the work of the treasurer, financial secretary, offering counters, and financial accounts. This team works with all ministry teams and Church Council in developing an annual Ministry Spending Plan. 

Appointed Ministry Teams

  • Audit Team - Performs annual financial audit for report to the congregation
  • Endowment - Oversees and makes recommendations regarding investment elections
  • Mutual Ministry - Handles concerns relating to staff
  • Cemetery Association Board - Works with Old Goshenhoppen Reformed Church in Woxall in managing our shared church cemetery
  • Altar Guild - Ensures everything is in place for worship
  • Caregivers - Makes visits to homebound members