Below you will find some of Advent's latest news. If you came here by clicking on a banner on the Home Page, the article on which you clicked will be one of the top handful but possibly not the first. You may need to scroll down a bit.
On Sunday, February 9, 2025, the Adult Forum subject was a discussion about proposals for Pastor Mark to take a three-month sabbatical during the summer of 2026. If you watched the video or attended the presentation and wish to provide feedback to Pastor Mark or the Sabbatical Team, click HERE to download the feedback form. Instructions for returning the form are on the form itself.
It may be cold outside but registration for summer camp is open as of January 2! Youth summer camp at Bear Creek is an AMAZING God-centered, fun-filled, outdoor time for personal growth and play on a 3,000-acre property just 80 minutes away in the Pocono Mountains. Sessions are weeklong, Sunday afternoon through Friday and is for children who have completed grades 1-12. Half-week sessions (Try Camp) are available for first-time campers who have completed grades 1-2. Advent supports all our campers through subsidies and full camp scholarships. Contact Karen Evans for more information. Register before March 31 and get a free T-shirt!
Click HERE for more info and to register!
Advent Supports our Bear Creek Campers!
Monies in Advent’s Bear Creek Camp General and Camperships Funds come from generous donations and fundraising efforts and support our campers by:
1) Advent youth attending summer camp can receive $150 towards camp registration.
2) Advent youth who are FIRST-TIME campers receive an additional $150 towards camp registration.
3) Camperships for either a full week ($545) or Try Camp ($370) are available.
4) All Advent’s campers receive a care package while they are at camp.
Please give Carrie Ryan a copy of your registration and you will be reimbursed your subsidy amount.
If you are interested in sponsoring a full or partial campership for our Bear Creek Fund, please see Karen Evans or Pastor Mark. Thank you for your generosity!
totals are in for 2024 at salford-advent garden
The totals for 2024 are in: The Salford Mennonite-Advent Lutheran Garden produced 14,493 lbs. of fresh, organic produce this year!
The gardening partnership between Salford Mennonite and Advent Lutheran provides much needed food, all season long, to groups facing food security.
THANK YOU to all the volunteers who helped make this amazing total possible. Many individuals and families in our community benefited from your hard work and dedication.
The Capital Campaign to build the pavilion kicked off in February and thanks to the great response by the congregation, the Memorial Pavilion is now complete and ready for use. Thank you for your generosity in supporting this project.
On September 15, 2024 a dedication ceremony was held to give thanks and recognize the significant efforts to bring the vision of this pavilion to fruition.
On September 29, 2024 we had a picnic and celebration after the second service. Although the weather could have been nicer (but then that's one reason why we built the Pavilion!), nothing could dampen the festive spirit!
The seed money for the pavilion was provided from the memorial gifts given in the memory of Leroy & Doris Oelschlager, Elaine Bergey, Linda Johnson, George Keck, Rachelle Shollenberger, and Jim Miller. We honor and are thankful for their many contributions to the ministry life of our congregation.
The pavilion is a multi-purpose facility, designed to accommodate a variety of activities, events, and gatherings, and will serve as a versatile and welcoming space for our Advent congregation and the broader community.
God’s Work. Our Hands Day – September 8, 2024 - Three Service opportunities
As part of celebrating the 11th anniversary of the annual ECLA Day of Service (also known as "God's Work, Our Hands Day") on September 8, 2024 following our last worship service under the Summer schedule, Advent hosted three separate service projects in Fellowship Hall:
- 100 School Kits for Lutheran World Relief – packing the school supplies donated by members in August into drawstring backpacks.
- 1,000+ Bag Challenge for E-Meal Ministry – assembling the base bags needed for meals distributed at Emmanuel Lutheran in Souderton.
- 60 Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches for the Bread Drop/E-Meal Ministry – making PB&J sandwiches for those in our community facing food insecurity.
More than 50 volunteers (ranging from toddlers to senior citizens) worked together to complete all three projects in just about an hour!
Salford Mennonite - Advent Lutheran Garden
Picnic Lunch and Ecotheology Presentation – August 25, 2024
Guest Speaker Rev. Dr. Matthew Lenahan
On Sunday, August 25, the Rev. Dr. Matt Lenahan shared his experience as an ELCA pastor, theologian, and Wittel Farm director with Salford Mennonite & Advent Lutheran church members, garden volunteers, and other interested individuals, speaking about “Ecotheology,” the subject of his recent doctoral thesis.
For information about Pastor Lenahan, please click HERE.
Pastor Lenahan spoke about gardening as a response to God’s call to be good stewards of creation, and to provide food for the hungry in our communities. He cited several texts from the Bible as well as recent agricultural science developments – in his words, “ecotheology” – to inform and encourage the work his group does at Wittel Farm (Akron, Lancaster County, PA), and what we do in the Salford / Advent Garden.
Please contact Jean Godsall-Myers with any questions at Pastor Lenahan's presentation was recorded and will be made available from both the Advent and Salford church websites at a later date.
A Thrivent Action Team was used to support this project.